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regular publications 定期刊物。

regular reflection

Another morgan stanley pitchbook , provided to transmeta corp . in july 2000 in connection with its ipo , said “ we view research as an ongoing commitment , “ and offered to “ continue regular publication of research reports . “ morgan stanley won the transmeta ipo business and received investment banking fees of approximately 9 . 5 million 比如,在“美國精制與常規汽油”案中, wto上訴機構指出:該公約第31條有關條約解釋的普遍規則是條約解釋的基本原則之“最權威最簡明的表述已具有慣例性或普遍性國際法規則的地位。

Guide to hong kong monetary and banking terms , together with the hkma information centre , the hkma website and our regular publications and public education programmes , all contribute to ensuring that we are in touch with the community that we serve . do visit 全新推出的網上學習園地及香港貨幣銀行用語匯編,以及金管局資訊中心金管局網站定期刊物及公眾教育計劃的目的,都是為確保社會大眾能更了解金管局的工作。

Some of the material , though , is simply not published because there is not the space for it in our regular publications , or because we consider it not of sufficiently broad interest to merit the expense - both to the hkma and the subscriber - of issuing it in hard copy 然而,有些資料未被出版,卻純粹是因為金管局的定期刊物篇幅所限,或其題材較為冷門,因此對金管局或訂戶來說,要編印出版這些資料似乎并不化算。

Through the program ' s regular publications press releases and advisories , op - ed pieces , and other means , aap expresses the industry ' s views and provides up - to - the - minute information on subjects of concern to its members 雖然這個項目的經常地發行壓力能夠得到釋放和勸告,開放的價格和其他的手段, aap表現出行業的眼光,并且向其成員提供在該主題上關注的最新消息。

The new information centre , together with our regular publications and our well - established website , will help in ensuring that the hkma follows - and in some cases leads - best international practice in its transparency arrangements 新成立的資訊中心,加上金管局各份期刊及資料詳盡的網頁,將有助確保金管局切實遵守甚至超越國際同類機構最高的透明度標準。

Publications statistical tables or latest issues of regular publications statistical tables planned for release in the coming 30 days . once released , these items will be updated in the whats new section “快將出版的項目”名單多久更新一次?假如名單內的刊物已出版, “新出版項目”名單是否會同樣作出更新?

The surveillance & epidemiology branch ( seb ) produces regular publications and reports . it is one of the ways through which the seb disseminates useful information to the public and the medical profession 監測及流行病學處定期出版刊物及報告,藉此將有用的訊息向公眾及醫護專業人士推廣。

I hope that , through the regular publication of these articles , the public will gain a better understanding of what the fstb does 我希望透過一系列定期?登的文章,讓市民了解多一點財庫局推行的政策和工作。

Also , you can subscribe to regular publications and advance order upcoming releases in download or print version through the bookstore 你也可在書店安排購買、訂購或預購有關刊物的下載或印刷版。

In addition to its regular publications , the hkma produces special publications to address issues of public interest 除出版期刊外,金管局亦出版專題刊物介紹公眾關心的資料。

It is important in regular publications of this kind to maintain consistency of structure , detail and presentation 這類定期刊物的結構內容及表達方式必須保持一致。